About Us

Anjanae HaqqCurriculum Coordinator/Multi-Age Educator holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education/Sociology from The College of New Jersey.  She is currently working towards her Masters in Education with a concentration in Curriculum, Instruction & Assessement at Walden University.  She serves in various capacities as a certified PreK-8 teacher, home-bound instructor and tutor.  Before deciding to home-school, she worked as a 3rd Grade Teacher and Supplemental Educator for a local charter school.   In her "spare time", she enjoys writing poetry and young adult & childrens' books/novels, creating "Smileboxes", travelling, arts & crafts activities, shopping, reading, enjoying nature and photography.


Hussain Haqq, M. Ed- Educator/Sponsor earned his undergraduate degree from The College of New Jersey, formerly, Trenton State College (TSC) and earned his graduate degree in Curriculum and Instruction from Grand Canyon University.  He has served as an elementary school teacher in the public school system and assists home-schooling and with extra-curricular activities.  He is currently taking classes for additional certifications.

"Education makes a people easy to lead, but difficult to drive; easy to govern, but impossible to enslave."

Lord Brougham


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With open arms, we welcome guest speakers, suggestions and donations.  If you have something that you would like to share, we would love to hear from you! 



Thank You!  Asante Sana!  Mucho Gracias!

As always, we continuously thank people like YOU who help to make home-schooling a success!  Without your support, encouragement, and enthusiam to aid in countless ways, such an endeaver would not be possible!