Welcome to Kiddie College Home-School

As a Curriculum Coordinator and Multi-age Educator, frequently, I am asked:  What does it mean to "home-school?"  Is it legal?  Why do people choose to homeschool and what are the benefits?  How are the students' learning assessed?  Are they required to take state exams like NJASK?  How can one gather enough curriculum to homeschool?  Does one have to be a certified teacher to homeschool...the questions seems endlless...

On this website, you will find answers to those questions and so much more...I welcome you on your journey of learning more about homeschooling! 



Anjanae Haqq

*This website is designed and maintained by Anjanae Haqq.  The views expressed are not necessarily reflective all of team members.

Summer Fun!










R.I.P. Nia and Mike..."It's not how long a flower blooms, but how beautifully"...author unknown

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What Big Teeth You Have!

02/02/2010 08:03
While sharing information about dental health and how the amount of teeth changes over a lifespan, Ayana (5 years old) was surprised to know that Mom and Dad has 32 teeth, whereas she only has 20. What seemed to come as more of a surprise was learning that Naabiah (3 years old) has MORE teeth than...


Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap, ya' hands!

02/02/2010 07:46
The students enjoyed learning and/or practicing clapping games such as "Ms. Mary Mack", "Down by the Bank" and "Concentration" thanks to the video "Clap to It- A fun with Friends Series".  Personally, I was rejuvenated and energized playing some of my favorite childhood clapping games!


February Themes

02/02/2010 07:38
The month of February will prove to be fascinating! There are so many interesting things to learn about!  The students will focus on personal/dental health, Presidents' Day, Chinese New Year, Valentine's Day and the Olympics!


Letters to Service Men & Women

02/01/2010 17:03
The children have composed letters to people in the military to thank them for their service in keeping us safe.  Understanding the war in Afganistan and learning about Sabi, a military service dog who was recently found, prompted the letters. 


Annual African- American Read-In

02/01/2010 00:00
In preparation for the annual African-American Read-In, the children are preparing invitations to send out via 'snail mail' and via the evite website.  The children will also be responsible for coordinating and helping to prepare children-oriented items on the menu.  Be on...


Math with the M&M Counting Book

01/31/2010 17:03
The children enjoyed doing math with the M&M Counting Book!  With the use of the book (and M&M's, of course!) the pre-schoolers practiced recognizing their colors, shapes, numbers up to 12 and adding and subtracting.  When asked what she liked best, Ayana replied, "I...


Etiquette Never Tasted So Good!

01/24/2010 16:19
To practice proper etiquette, the children were served a 5-course meal at the 'family restaurant' Chez LaBrae which consisted of a Soup de la Jour (of the day), Ceasar Salad, Garlic Breadstix, and for the entree, Chicken Parmagiana served over whole wheat noodles.   The dinner...


Games Nite!

01/24/2010 12:57
"Games Nite" was a fun-filled evening with lots of board games, Wii games and traditional games.  Just imagine both, adults and children, slipping and sliding across a hard-wood flood to get to their allocated spots before being placed in "the pot" while playing "Duck, Duck, Goose!"; or being...


Help for Haiti!

01/17/2010 00:00
In response to the devastating earthquake that has shook the nation of Haiti, the children has prepared donations to assist in the efforts.  Interesting enough, the children has also increased their knowledge of Haiti, noting that Haiti was one of the first nations to free themselves of...


January Themes

01/02/2010 07:41
January is just the right time to focus on winter themes!  We will discuss the characteristics of living things, namely penguins, changes in the earth and sky since it's winter, civic ideals and practices in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr holiday and groundhogs, in preparation of Groundhog...
