Welcome to Kiddie College Home-School

As a Curriculum Coordinator and Multi-age Educator, frequently, I am asked:  What does it mean to "home-school?"  Is it legal?  Why do people choose to homeschool and what are the benefits?  How are the students' learning assessed?  Are they required to take state exams like NJASK?  How can one gather enough curriculum to homeschool?  Does one have to be a certified teacher to homeschool...the questions seems endlless...

On this website, you will find answers to those questions and so much more...I welcome you on your journey of learning more about homeschooling! 



Anjanae Haqq

*This website is designed and maintained by Anjanae Haqq.  The views expressed are not necessarily reflective all of team members.

Summer Fun!










R.I.P. Nia and Mike..."It's not how long a flower blooms, but how beautifully"...author unknown

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Happy Holidays

12/24/2009 15:41
In preparation for the winter holidays & celebrations, the children have focused on games and activities revolving around Hannukah, Christmas, Kwanzaa and New Years' Day!  They particularly enjoyed playing " The Dreidal Game" and re-inventing a game similiar to that one that focuses on...


Morning Meeting with the Pre-Schoolers!

11/20/2009 11:27
Last week, the pre-school students studied the letter D and they focused on the nursery rhyme, "Humpty Dumpty".  This week, with the letter T, the pre-school students will focus on Thanksgiving and things for which they are thankful.  In addition, they will practice the nursery...


Life on the Moon?

11/20/2009 10:59
With the recent discovery of water on the moon (about 20 gallons), the children were questioned what do they think it would be like to live on the moon and whether or not they'd be interested in living there.  In response, Qawiyya, 8 years old, stated, "It would be very cold, but I'd...


Dramatic Play

11/20/2009 10:56
Dramatic Play/Playtime has "upped the ante"  with the addition of a new dollhouse, dolls and other educational toys!  Thanks to all who have contributed!


Birthday Business

11/20/2009 10:54
With some of the money she received as a birthday gift, Qawiyya and Aliyy has purchased more snacks and drinks to sell for their business.  As usual, business is booming and profitable!


Veterans' Day/Did You Know?

11/04/2009 18:56
November 11 marks a very important day for many.  In addition to it being Veterans' Day, it is Qawiyya's birthday!  November 11 marks the anniversary of the end of World War I.  Did you know that World War I is the only major U.S. war of the 20th century that does not have a...


Delicious Math!

11/04/2009 18:52
The pre-schoolers enjoyed using grapes to add and subtract.  How delicious!


Letter H/Stopping the Spread of Germs

10/29/2009 17:41
While focusing on the letter Hh this week, the preschoolers enthusiastically sang the song, "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes", in three languages; English, Spanish and French.  In addition, they created a list of words that begin with H and practiced writing that letter.  To...


Celebrating Fall!

10/29/2009 17:22
The students are celebrating Fall by creating leaf rubbings and cooking homemade pumpkin pie.  Before cutting the pumpkin, they guessed what was inside the pumpin.  Once open, the students examined the contents and estimated how many seeds were inside.  The first guesses ranged from...


Pictures from "Creep in the Deep" filed trip via Smilebox

10/23/2009 14:33
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" bgcolor="#ffffff"><tr><td><a href="https://smilebox.com/play/4d5445354f4451334e54413d0d0a&blogview=true&campaign=blog_playback_link" target="_blank"><img width="420" height="330" alt="Click to play this Smilebox...
