Welcome to Kiddie College Home-School

As a Curriculum Coordinator and Multi-age Educator, frequently, I am asked:  What does it mean to "home-school?"  Is it legal?  Why do people choose to homeschool and what are the benefits?  How are the students' learning assessed?  Are they required to take state exams like NJASK?  How can one gather enough curriculum to homeschool?  Does one have to be a certified teacher to homeschool...the questions seems endlless...

On this website, you will find answers to those questions and so much more...I welcome you on your journey of learning more about homeschooling! 



Anjanae Haqq

*This website is designed and maintained by Anjanae Haqq.  The views expressed are not necessarily reflective all of team members.

Summer Fun!










R.I.P. Nia and Mike..."It's not how long a flower blooms, but how beautifully"...author unknown

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States of Matter for Preschoolers!

10/22/2009 20:52
The pre-schoolers are enjoying learning about the 3 major states of matter.  They observed a fishbowl with water and a goldfish and was asked what was inside the bowl and they replied the obvious; a goldfish and water.  They were surprised to learn that something else was inside the...


Analyzing Various Forms of Media---Books vs. Movies

10/18/2009 12:39
After viewing the two movies, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs and Where the Wild Things Are, we compared the movie version of each with the book version.  We noted that, oftentimes, the filmmakers' interpretations delineated from the books and our own...


Weekly Reader Magazine!

10/14/2009 22:09
The kids are enjoying their new subsciption to the Weekly Reader Magazine.  The focus this week was on Civics.  According to the magazine, Americans need to "brush up in that area."  Did you know that, when polled, few American were able to pass the Citizenship Test? ...



10/14/2009 22:00
What a WONDERFUL website!  The children enjoyed learning about the Constitution and  the Amendments.  They even learned the difference between rights and priveledges! They had so much fun "playing", I don't think the children realized that they were learning!  One...


Multi-Culturalism in Action!

10/14/2009 21:53
After discussing how our nation embrases multi-culturalism, the children and I enjoyed our Asian-inspired meal with the use of re-usable chopsticks.  Thanks to videos on YouTube, we were able to learn how to use the chopsticks correctly.  Eventually, everyone was able to get the food in...


New Book to be completed soon---Your Favorite Color

10/11/2009 21:01
  The new book, inspired by Ayana and my own childhood memories of my mother, will be completed soon.  It is entitled, Your Favorite Color.  It is a story of a child's natural curiousity about her mother's favorite color that ends by asking the child what is her...


Duck, Duck, Goose!

10/11/2009 20:56
After studying homophones (words with the same sound, but are spelled differently and have different meanings such as son and sun) and homogaphs (words that are spelled the same, but have different meanings such as duck---to bend down one's head and duck---an animal that quacks), the kids...


Readers' Theatre

10/02/2009 12:26
The students enjoyed "putting on a show" after rehearsing the plays, Hansel and Gretel, Beauty and the Beast, and Little Red Riding Hood.


Kid-Created Comic Strips!

09/29/2009 23:21
So after reading the story Captain Underpants, the kids created their very own comic strips, on-line, for free, at the website https://www.makebeliefscomix.com/


Stay tuned for additional pictures!

09/29/2009 21:37
Please continue to visit the website for new pictures!   Cordially, Anjanae
